what stands for @ ? what’s the big mystery ?
this is not an era of changes . . . it is a change of era !
Work | Shop Studio, it’s the architecture | design offices point of origin
analog native . . . digital in-migrant . . . download update to on-line
we acknowledge a vast fast technology world, communication and information . . . they change our perspectives drastically forever, viewpoints . . .
yes or yes, this "panic Crisis", has turned around into an opportunity, and there it is, in front of us . . . a dynamic real-time collaborate, efficiently, with interactive exchanges . . . saying hello hasn’t been more easy . . .
our devices became our "connect extensions" with others and ourselves, they are our best friends (well still the first place is for our dogs and second our coffee, but you got me ! ) . . . we speak and draw through pages of codes . . . we listen through symbols . . .
therefore we identify us with an @ . . . the digital on-line era symbol, the we symbol, the us symbol . . . it connects us through each other, our devices, our knowledge . . . it allow us to keep learning, keep sharing, keep focusing in life, keep living, keep going, keep moving . . .
. . . it represents our location, our identity, our brain soul mind. . .
so, we wanna share it with you . . . take it, it’s yours !
the technology is there . . . use it !
the information is there . . . take it !